package GD::SecurityImage; use strict; use vars qw[@ISA $AUTOLOAD $VERSION $BACKEND]; use GD::SecurityImage::Styles; $VERSION = '1.61'; sub import { my $class = shift; my %opt = scalar(@_) % 2 ? () : (@_); # init/reset globals $BACKEND = ''; # name of the back-end @ISA = (); # load the drawing interface if (exists $opt{use_magick} && $opt{use_magick}) { require GD::SecurityImage::Magick; $BACKEND = 'Magick'; } elsif (exists $opt{backend} && $opt{backend}) { my $be = __PACKAGE__.'::'.$opt{backend}; eval "require $be"; die "Unable to locate the $class back-end $be: $@" if $@; $BACKEND = $opt{backend} eq 'AC' ? 'GD' : $opt{backend}; } else { require GD::SecurityImage::GD; $BACKEND = 'GD'; } push @ISA, 'GD::SecurityImage::' . $BACKEND; push @ISA, qw(GD::SecurityImage::Styles); # load styles } sub new { my $class = shift; $BACKEND || die "You didn't import $class!"; my %opt = scalar @_ % 2 ? () : (@_); my $self = { IS_MAGICK => $BACKEND eq 'Magick', IS_GD => $BACKEND eq 'GD', IS_CORE => $BACKEND eq 'GD' || $BACKEND eq 'Magick', DISABLED => {}, # list of methods that a backend (or some older version of backend) can't do MAGICK => {}, # Image::Magick configuration options GDBOX_EMPTY => 0, # GD::SecurityImage::GD::insert_text() failed? _RANDOM_NUMBER_ => '', # random security code _RNDMAX_ => 6, # maximum number of characters in a random string. _COLOR_ => {}, # text and line colors _CREATECALLED_ => 0, # create() called? (check for particle()) _TEXT_LOCATION_ => {}, # see info_text }; bless $self, $class; my %options = ( width => $opt{width} || 80, height => $opt{height} || 30, ptsize => $opt{ptsize} || 20, lines => $opt{lines} || 10, rndmax => $opt{rndmax} || $self->{_RNDMAX_}, rnd_data => $opt{rnd_data} || [0..9], font => $opt{font} || '', gd_font => $self->gdf($opt{gd_font}) || '', bgcolor => $opt{bgcolor} || [255, 255, 255], send_ctobg => $opt{send_ctobg} || 0, frame => defined($opt{frame}) ? $opt{frame} : 1, scramble => $opt{scramble} || 0, angle => $opt{angle} || 0, thickness => $opt{thickness} || 0, _ANGLES_ => [], # angle list for scrambled images ); if($opt{text_location} && ref $opt{text_location} && ref $opt{text_location} eq 'HASH') { $self->{_TEXT_LOCATION_} = { %{$opt{text_location}}, _place_ => 1 }; } else { $self->{_TEXT_LOCATION_}{_place_} = 0; } $self->{_RNDMAX_} = $options{rndmax}; $self->{$_} = $options{$_} foreach keys %options; if($self->{angle}) { # validate angle $self->{angle} = 360 + $self->{angle} if $self->{angle} < 0; if($self->{angle} > 360) { die "Angle parameter can take values in the range -360..360"; } } if ($self->{scramble}) { if ($self->{angle}) { # Does the user want a fixed angle? push @{ $self->{_ANGLES_} }, $self->{angle}; } else { # Generate angle range. The reason for hardcoding these is; # it'll be less random for 0..60 range push @{ $self->{_ANGLES_} }, (0,5,8,15,22,26,29,33,35,36,40,43,45,53,56); push @{ $self->{_ANGLES_} }, map {360 - $_} @{ $self->{_ANGLES_} }; # push negatives } } $self->init; return $self; } sub backends { my $self = shift; my $class = ref($self) || $self; my(@list, @dir_list); foreach my $inc (@INC) { my $dir = "$inc/GD/SecurityImage"; next unless -d $dir; local *DIR; opendir DIR, $dir or die "opendir($dir) failed: $!"; my @dir = readdir DIR; closedir DIR; push @dir_list, $dir; foreach my $file (@dir) { next if -d $file; next if $file =~ m[^\.]; next if $file =~ m[^(Styles|AC|Handler)\.pm$]; $file =~ s[\.pm$][]; push @list, $file; } } if (defined wantarray) { return @list; } else { print "Available back-ends in $class v$VERSION are:\n\t" .join("\n\t", @list) ."\n\n" ."Search directories:\n\t" .join("\n\t", @dir_list); } } sub gdf { my $self = shift; return if not $self->{IS_GD}; return $self->gdfx(@_); } sub random_angle { my $self = shift; my @angles = @{ $self->{_ANGLES_} }; my @r; push @r, $angles[int rand @angles] for 0..$#angles; return $r[int rand @r]; } sub random_str { shift->{_RANDOM_NUMBER_} } sub random { my $self = shift; my $user = shift; if($user and length($user) >= $self->{_RNDMAX_}) { $self->{_RANDOM_NUMBER_} = $user; } else { my @keys = @{ $self->{rnd_data} }; my $lk = scalar @keys; my $random; $random .= $keys[int rand $lk] for 1..$self->{rndmax}; $self->{_RANDOM_NUMBER_} = $random; } return $self if defined wantarray; } sub cconvert { # convert color codes # GD : return color index number # Image::Magick: return hex color code my $self = shift; my $data = shift || die "Empty parameter passed to cconvert!"; unless($self->{IS_CORE}) { return $self->backend_cconvert($data); } my $is_hex = $self->is_hex($data); if($data && $self->{IS_MAGICK} && $is_hex) { return $data; # data is a hex color code and Image::Magick has hex support } if( $data && ! $is_hex && ! ref($data) && $data !~ m{[^0-9]} && $data >= 0 ) { if ($self->{IS_MAGICK}) { die "The number '$data' can not be transformed to a color code!"; } else { # data is a GD color index number ... # ... or it is any number! since there is no way to determine this. # GD object' s rgb() method returns 0,0,0 upon failure... return $data; } } my @rgb = $self->h2r($data); if(@rgb and $self->{IS_MAGICK}) { return $data; } else { $data = [@rgb] if @rgb; # initialize if not valid if(not $data || not ref $data || ref $data ne 'ARRAY' || $#{$data} != 2) { $data = [0, 0, 0]; } foreach my $i (0..$#{$data}) { # check for bad values $data->[$i] = 0 if $data->[$i] > 255 or $data->[$i] < 0; } } return $self->{IS_MAGICK} ? $self->r2h(@{$data}) # convert to hex : $self->{image}->colorAllocate(@{$data}); } sub create { my $self = shift; my $method = shift || 'normal'; # ttf or normal my $style = shift || 'default'; # default or rect or box my $col1 = shift || [ 0, 0, 0]; # text color my $col2 = shift || [ 0, 0, 0]; # line/box color $self->{send_ctobg} = 0 if $style eq 'box'; # disable for that style $self->{_COLOR_} = { # set the color hash text => $self->cconvert($col1), lines => $self->cconvert($col2), }; # be a smart module and auto-disable ttf if we are under a prehistoric GD unless ($self->{IS_MAGICK}) { $method = 'normal' if defined $GD::VERSION and $GD::VERSION < 1.20; } if($method eq 'normal' and not $self->{gd_font}) { $self->{gd_font} = $self->gdf('giant'); } $style = $self->can('style_'.$style) ? 'style_'.$style : 'style_default'; $self->$style() unless $self->{send_ctobg}; $self->insert_text($method); $self->$style() if $self->{send_ctobg}; $self->rectangle(0,0,$self->{width}-1,$self->{height}-1, $self->{_COLOR_}{lines}) if $self->{frame}; # put a frame around the image $self->{_CREATECALLED_}++; return $self if defined wantarray; } sub particle { # Create random dots. They'll cover all over the surface my $self = shift; die "particle() must be called 'after' create()!" unless $self->{_CREATECALLED_}; my $big = $self->{height} > $self->{width} ? $self->{height} : $self->{width}; my $f = shift || $big * 20; # particle density my $dots = shift || 1; # number of multiple dots my $int = int $big / 20; my @random; for (my $x = $int; $x <= $big; $x += $int) { push @random, $x; } my($x, $y, $z); for (1..$f) { $x = int rand $self->{width}; $y = int rand $self->{height}; foreach $z (1..$dots) { $self->setPixel($x + $z , $y + $z , $self->{_COLOR_}{text}); $self->setPixel($x + $z + $random[int rand @random], $y + $z + $random[int rand @random], $self->{_COLOR_}{text}); } } return $self if defined wantarray; } sub raw {shift->{image}} # raw image object sub info_text { # set text location # x => 'left|right', # text-X # y => 'up|low|down', # text-Y # strip => 1|0, # add strip? # gd => 1|0, # use default GD font? # ptsize => 10, # point size # color => '#000000', # text color # scolor => '#FFFFFF', # strip color # text => 'blah', # modifies random code my $self = shift; die "info_text() must be called 'after' create()!" unless $self->{_CREATECALLED_}; my %o = scalar(@_) % 2 ? () : (qw/x right y up strip 1/, @_); return unless %o; $o{scolor} = $self->cconvert($o{scolor}) if $o{scolor}; $self->{_TEXT_LOCATION_}->{_place_} = 1; local $self->{_RANDOM_NUMBER_} = delete $o{text} if $o{text}; local $self->{_COLOR_}{text} = $self->cconvert(delete $o{color}) if $o{color}; local $self->{ptsize} = delete $o{ptsize} if $o{ptsize}; local $self->{scramble} = 0; # disable. we need a straight text local $self->{angle} = 0; # disable. RT:14618 $self->{_TEXT_LOCATION_}->{$_} = $o{$_} foreach keys %o; $self->insert_text('ttf'); $self; } #--------------------[ PRIVATE ]--------------------# sub add_strip { # adds a strip to the background of the text my $self = shift; my($x, $y, $box_w, $box_h) = @_; my $tl = $self->{_TEXT_LOCATION_}; my $black = $self->cconvert($self->{_COLOR_}{text} ? $self->{_COLOR_}{text} : [0,0,0]); my $white = $self->cconvert($tl->{scolor} ? $tl->{scolor} : [255,255,255]); my $x2 = $tl->{x} eq 'left' ? $box_w : $self->{width}; my $y2 = $self->{height} - $box_h; my $i = $self->{IS_MAGICK} ? $self : $self->{image}; my $up = $tl->{y} eq 'up'; $i->filledRectangle($up ? ($x-1, 0, $x2, $y+1) : ($x-1, $y2-1, $x2 , $self->{height} ), $black); $i->filledRectangle($up ? ($x , 1, $x2-2, $y) : ($x , $y2 , $x2-2, $self->{height}-2), $white); } sub r2h { # Convert RGB to Hex my $self = shift; @_ == 3 || return; my $color = '#'; $color .= sprintf("%02x", $_) foreach @_; $color; } sub h2r { # Convert Hex to RGB my $self = shift; my $color = shift; return if ref $color; my @rgb = $color =~ m[^#([a-f0-9]{2})([a-f0-9]{2})([a-f0-9]{2})$]i; return @rgb ? map { hex $_ } @rgb : undef; } sub is_hex { my $self = shift; my $data = shift; return $data =~ m[^#([a-f0-9]{2})([a-f0-9]{2})([a-f0-9]{2})$]i; } sub AUTOLOAD { my $self = shift; (my $name = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s,.*:,,; if ($name eq 'gdbox_empty') { # fake method for GD compatibility. only GD has this return 0; } die "Unknown ".ref($self)." method '$name'!"; } sub DESTROY {} 1; __END__ =head1 NAME GD::SecurityImage - Security image (captcha) generator. =head1 SYNOPSIS use GD::SecurityImage; # Create a normal image my $image = GD::SecurityImage->new(width => 80, height => 30, lines => 10, gd_font => 'giant'); $image->random($your_random_str); $image->create(normal => 'rect'); my($image_data, $mime_type, $random_number) = $image->out; or # use external ttf font my $image = GD::SecurityImage->new(width => 100, height => 40, lines => 10, font => "/absolute/path/to/your.ttf", scramble => 1); $image->random($your_random_str); $image->create(ttf => 'default'); $image->particle; my($image_data, $mime_type, $random_number) = $image->out; or you can just say (most of the public methods can be chained) my($image, $type, $rnd) = GD::SecurityImage->new->random->create->particle->out; to create a security image with the default settings. But that may not be useful. If you C the module, you B import it: require GD::SecurityImage; GD::SecurityImage->import; The module also supports C, but the default interface uses the C module. To enable C support, you must call the module with the C option: use GD::SecurityImage use_magick => 1; If you C the module, you B import it: require GD::SecurityImage; GD::SecurityImage->import(use_magick => 1); The module does not I anything actually. But C loads the necessary sub modules. If you don' t C, the required modules will not be loaded and probably, you'll C. =head1 DESCRIPTION The (so called) I<"Security Images"> are so popular. Most internet software use these in their registration screens to block robot programs (which may register tons of fake member accounts). Security images are basicaly, graphical Bs (Bompletely Butomated B

ublic Buring Test to Tell Bomputers and Bumans Bpart). This module gives you a basic interface to create such an image. The final output is the actual graphic data, the mime type of the graphic and the created random string. The module also has some I<"styles"> that are used to create the background (or foreground) of the image. If you are an C user, see L for migration from C to C. This module is B. Not a I. The validation of the generated graphic is left to your programming taste. =head1 COLOR PARAMETERS This module can use both RGB and HEX values as the color parameters. HEX values are recommended, since they are widely used and recognised. $color = '#80C0F0'; # HEX $color2 = [15, 100, 75]; # RGB $i->create($meth, $style, $color, $color2) $i->create(ttf => 'box', '#80C0F0', '#0F644B') RGB values must be passed as an array reference including the three Ied>, Ireen> and Ilue> values. Color conversion is transparent to the user. You can use hex values under both C and C. They' ll be automagically converted to RGB if you are under C. =head1 METHODS =head2 new The constructor. C method takes several arguments. These arguments are listed below. =over 4 =item width The width of the image (in pixels). =item height The height of the image (in pixels). =item ptsize Numerical value. The point size of the ttf character. Only necessarry if you want to use a ttf font in the image. =item lines The number of lines that you' ll see in the background of the image. The alignment of lines can be vertical, horizontal or angled or all of them. If you increase this parameter' s value, the image will be more cryptic. =item font The absolute path to your TrueType (.ttf) font file. Be aware that relative font paths are not recognized due to problems in the C library. If you are sure that you've set this parameter to a correct value and you get warnings or you get an empty image, be sure that your path does not include spaces in it. It looks like libgd also have problems with this kind of paths (eg: '/Documents and Settings/user' under Windows). Set this parameter if you want to use ttf in your image. =item gd_font If you want to use the default interface, set this paramater. The recognized values are C, C, C, C, C. The names are case-insensitive; you can pass lower-cased parameters. =item bgcolor The background color of the image. =item send_ctobg If has a true value, the random security code will be displayed in the background and the lines will pass over it. (send_ctobg = send code to background) =item frame If has a true value, a frame will be added around the image. This option is enabled by default. =item scramble If set, the characters will be scrambled. If you enable this option, be sure to use a wider image, since the characters will be separated with three spaces. =item angle Sets the angle for scrambled/normal characters. Beware that, if you pass an C parameter, the characters in your random string will have a fixed angle. If you do not set an C parameter, the angle(s) will be random. When the scramble option is not enabled, this parameter still controls the angle of the text. But, since the text will be centered inside the image, using this parameter without scramble option will require a taller image. Clipping will occur with smaller height values. Unlike the GD interface, C is in Cs and can take values between C<0> and C<360>. =item thickness Sets the line drawing width. Can take numerical values. Default values are C<1> for GD and C<0.6> for Image:Magick. =item rndmax The minimum length of the random string. Default value is C<6>. =item rnd_data Default character set used to create the random string is C<0..9>. But, if you want to use letters also, you can set this paramater. This paramater takes an array reference as the value. B B =back =head2 random Creates the random security string or B to the value you have passed. If you pass your own random string, be aware that it must be at least six (defined in C) characters long. =head2 random_str Returns the random string. Must be called after C. =head2 create This method creates the actual image. It takes four arguments, but none are mandatory. $image->create($method, $style, $text_color, $line_color); C<$method> can be B> or B>. C<$style> can be one of the following (some of the styles may not work if you are using a really old version of GD): =over 4 =item B The default style. Draws horizontal, vertical and angular lines. =item B Draws horizontal and vertical lines =item B Draws two filled rectangles. The C option passed to L, controls the size of the inner rectangle for this style. If you increase the C, you'll get a smaller internal rectangle. Using smaller values like C<5> can be better. =item B Draws circles. =item B Draws ellipses. =item B This is the combination of ellipse and circle styles. Draws both ellipses and circles. =back I: if you have a (too) old version of GD, you may not be able to use some of the styles. You can use this code to get all available style names: my @styles = grep {s/^style_//} keys %GD::SecurityImage::Styles::; The last two arguments (C<$text_color> and C<$line_color>) are the colors used in the image (text and line color -- respectively): $image->create($method, $style, [0,0,0], [200,200,200]); $image->create($method, $style, '#000000', '#c8c8c8'); =head2 particle Must be called after L. Adds random dots to the image. They'll cover all over the surface. Accepts two parameters; the density (number) of the particles and the maximum number of dots around the main dot. $image->particle($density, $maxdots); Default value of C<$density> is dependent on your image' s width or height value. The greater value of width and height is taken and multiplied by twenty. So; if your width is C<200> and height is C<70>, C<$density> is C<200 * 20 = 4000> (unless you pass your own value). The default value of C<$density> can be too much for smaller images. C<$maxdots> defines the maximum number of dots near the default dot. Default value is C<1>. If you set it to C<4>, The selected pixel and 3 other pixels near it will be used and colored. The color of the particles are the same as the color of your text (defined in L). =head2 info_text This method must be called after L. If you call it early, you'll die. C adds an extra text to the generated image. You can also put a strip under the text. The purpose of this method is to display additional information on the image. Copyright informations can be an example for that. $image->info_text( x => 'right', y => 'up', gd => 1, strip => 1, color => '#000000', scolor => '#FFFFFF', text => 'Generated by GD::SecurityImage', ); Options: =over 4 =item x Controls the horizontal location of the information text. Can be either C or C. =item y Controls the vertical location of the information text. Can be either C or C. =item strip If has a true value, a strip will be added to the background of the information text. =item gd This option can only be used under C. Has no effect under Image::Magick. If has a true value, the standard GD font C will be used for the information text. If this option is not present or has a false value, the TTF font parameter passed to C will be used instead. =item ptsize The ptsize value of the information text to be used with the TTF font. TTF font paramter can not be set with C. The value passed to C will be used instead. =item color The color of the information text. =item scolor The color of the strip. =item text This parameter controls the displayed text. If you want to display long texts, be sure to adjust the image, or clipping will occur. =back =head2 out This method finally returns the created image, the mime type of the image and the random number(s) generated. Older versions of GD only support C type, while new versions support C and C (B: beginning with v2.15, GD resumed gif support). The returned mime type is C or C or C for C and C for C (if you do not C some other format). C method accepts arguments: @data = $image->out(%args); =over 4 =item force You can set the output format with the C parameter: @data = $image->out(force => 'png'); If C is supported by the interface (via C or C); you'll get a png image, if the interface does not support this format, C method will use it's default configuration. =item compress And with the C parameter, you can define the compression for C and quality for C: @data = $image->out(force => 'png' , compress => 1); @data = $image->out(force => 'jpeg', compress => 100); When you use C with C format, the value of C is ignored and it is only checked if it has a true value. With C the compression will always be C<9> (maximum compression). eg: @data = $image->out(force => 'png' , compress => 1); @data = $image->out(force => 'png' , compress => 3); @data = $image->out(force => 'png' , compress => 5); @data = $image->out(force => 'png' , compress => 1500); All will default to C<9>. But this will disable compression: @data = $image->out(force => 'png' , compress => 0); But the behaviour changes if the format is C; the value of C will be used for C quality; which is in the range C<1..100>. Compression and quality operations are disabled by default. =back =head2 raw Depending on your usage of the module; returns the raw C object: my $gd = $image->raw; print $gd->png; or the raw C object: my $magick = $image->raw; $magick->Write("gif:-"); Can be usefull, if you want to modify the graphic yourself. If you want to get an I see the C option in C. =head2 gdbox_empty See L in L for usage and other information on this method. =head1 UTILITY METHODS =head2 backends Returns a list of available GD::SecurityImage back-ends. my @be = GD::SecurityImage->backends; or my @be = $image->backends; If called in a void context, prints a verbose list of available GD::SecurityImage back-ends: Available back-ends in GD::SecurityImage v1.55 are: GD Magick Search directories: /some/@INC/dir/containing/GDSI you can see the output with this command: perl -MGD::SecurityImage -e 'GD::SecurityImage->backends' or under windows: perl -MGD::SecurityImage -e "GD::SecurityImage->backends" =begin BACKEND_AUTHORS If you want to write a new back-end to GD::SecurityImage, you must define this mandatory methods. init initializes your image object out defines output format and returns the image data insert_text inserts text to the image setPixel sets a pixel' s color defined by it's (x,y) values line draws a line rectangle draws a rectangle filledRectangle draws a filled rectangle ellipse draws an ellipse arc draws an arc setThickness sets the thickness of the lines when drawing something and backend_cconvert for HEX & RGB color handling See GD::SecurityImage::Magick for the first part of methods and see cconvert() method in GD::SecurityImage to define such a method. Your backend_cconvert() method must be capable of handling both HEX and RGB values. The parametes passed to drawing methods (like line()) are in GD format. See the L module for examples. You can then name your distro as 'GD::SecurityImage::X' and anyone can use it like: use GD::SecurityImage backend => 'X'; =end BACKEND_AUTHORS =head1 EXAMPLES See the tests in the distribution. Also see the demo program "eg/" for an C implementation of C. Download the distribution from a CPAN mirror near you, if you don't have the files. =head1 ERROR HANDLING C is called in some methods if something fails. You may need to C your code to catch exceptions. =head1 TIPS If you look at the demo program (not just look at it, try to run it) you'll see that the random code changes after every request (successful or not). If you do not change the random code after a failed request and display the random code inside HTML (like I<"Wrong! It must be ErandomE">), then you are doing a logical mistake, since the user (or robot) can now copy & paste the random code into your validator without looking at the security image and will pass the test. Just don't do that. Random code must change after every validation. If you want to be a little more strict, you can also add a timeout key to the session (this feature currently does not exits in the demo) and expire the related random code after the timeout. Since robots can call the image generator directly (without requiring the HTML form), they can examine the image for a while without changing it. A timeout implemetation may prevent this. =head1 BUGS Contact the author if you find any bugs. You can also send requests. =head2 Image::Magick bug There is a bug in PerlMagick' s C method. ImageMagick versions smaller than 6.0.4 is affected. Below text is from the ImageMagick 6.0.4 Changelog: L. "2004-05-06 PerlMagick's C incorrectly reports `unrecognized attribute'` for the `font' attribute." Please upgrade to ImageMagick 6.0.4 or any newer version, if your ImageMagick version is smaller than 6.0.4 and you want to use Image::Magick as the backend for GD::SecurityImage. =head2 GD bug =head3 path bug libgd and don't like relative paths and paths that have spaces in them. If you pass a font path that is not an B or a path that have a space in it, you may get an empty image. To check if the module failed to find the ttf font (when using C), a new method added: C. It must be called after C: $image->create; die "Error loading ttf font for GD: $@" if $image->gdbox_empty; C always returns false, if you are using C. =head1 COMMON ERRORS =head2 Wrong GD installation I got some error reports saying that GD::SecurityImage dies with this error: Can't locate object method "new" via package "GD::Image" (perhaps you forgot to load "GD::Image"?) at ... This is due to a I installation of the L module. GD includes C code and it needs to be compiled. You can't just copy/paste the I and expect it to work. It will not. If you are under Windows and don't have a C compiler, you have to add new repositories to install I, since ActiveState' s own repositories don't include I. Randy Kobes and J-L Morel have ppm repositories for both 5.6.x and 5.8.x and they both have I: I also has a I ppd, so you can just install I from that repository. =head2 libgd errors There are some issues related to wrong/incomplete compiling of libgd and old/new version conflicts. =head3 libgd without TTF support If your libgd is compiled without TTF support, you'll get an I image. The lines will be drawn, but there will be no text. You can check it with L method. =head3 GIF - Old libgd or libgd without GIF support enabled If your GD has a C method, but you get empty images with C method, you have to update your libgd or compile it with GIF enabled. You can test if C is working from the command line: perl -MGD -e '$_=GD::Image->new;$_->colorAllocate(0,0,0);print$_->gif' or under windows: perl -MGD -e "$_=GD::Image->new;$_->colorAllocate(0,0,0);print$_->gif" Conclusions: =over 4 =item * If it dies, your GD is very old. =item * If it prints nothing, your libgd was compiled without GIF enabled (upgrade or re-compile). =item * If it prints out a junk that starts with 'GIF87a', everything is OK. =back =head1 CAVEAT EMPTOR =over 4 =item * Using the default library C is a better choice. Since it is faster and does not use that much memory, while C is slower and uses more memory. =item * The internal random code generator is used B for demonstration purposes for this module. It may not be I. You must supply your own random code and use this module to display it. =item * B<[GD] png compression> Support for compression level argument to png() added in v2.07. If your GD version is smaller than this, compress option to C will be silently ignored. =item * B<[GD] setThickness> setThickness implemented in GD v2.07. If your GD version is smaller than that and you set thickness option, nothing will happen. =item * B<[GD] ellipse> C method added in GD 2.07. If your GD version is smaller than 2.07 and you use C, the C style will be returned. If your GD is smaller than 2.07 and you use C, only the circles will be drawn. =back =head1 SEE ALSO =over 4 =item * L, L, L, L. =item * L: C drop-in replacement module. =item * C Perl Module (commercial): L. =item * The CAPTCHA project: L. =item * A definition of CAPTCHA (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia): L. =back =head1 AUTHOR Burak Gürsoy, EburakE<64>cpan.orgE =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2004-2006 Burak Gürsoy. All rights reserved. =head1 LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.7 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. =cut