briandilley 5e417ac25c * added "random" sorting method, and "Random 100" to
tab bar.
        * add "name" and "id" attribute to the text input box
          in the header, it wasn't working because it was missing.
        * removed the search header from the search results page.
        * fixed navigation buttons (next, prev)... they were
          missing the search string, pressing "next" or "prev"
          on a search aborted the search.
2004-10-27 01:12:22 +00:00

5 lines
178 B

<div class="kwote-navigation">
<a href="?action=list&amp;o=${ORDER}&amp;s=${NEXT_INDEX}&amp;m=${MAX_RETURN}&amp;mr=${MAX_RECORDS}&amp;ss=${SEARCH_STRING}">Next &gt;</a>