added functionality for random tag lines. made the search have a lot more options. change HTML for footer. added the Changelog to the footer. updated intro page. added installation instructions.
231 lines
6.0 KiB
Executable File
231 lines
6.0 KiB
Executable File
# -*- kwotes.pl -*- #
# This code is distributed under GPL licensing #
# terms, here's a link to the license and stuff: #
# #
# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt #
# #
# have fun with it, i'm not a major perl monger #
# or anything, so be easy on me :) #
# bring in the required libs
require "kwotes-lib.pl";
# bring in the config
require "kwotes.conf.pl";
# is this getting called by the "delete" cronjob?
if ($ARGV[0] eq "cleanup") {
exit cleanup();
# parse the form data
my %FORM = parse_form();
# some vars
my $action = $FORM{"action"};
my $main_content;
my %vars;
# populate %vars with ENV
foreach my $key (keys %ENV) {
$vars{$key} = $ENV{$key};
# add information that can be displayed on every page
$vars{KWOTE_COUNT} = get_kwote_count();
$vars{KWOTE_BACKUP_COUNT} = get_kwote_backup_count();
$vars{TAG_LINE} = get_tagline();
# send header
# action: add (show add form)
if ($action eq "add") {
$vars{TITLE} = "Add Kwote";
$main_content = wrap_template("html/content-addform.html", %vars);
# action: doadd (add the kwote to the db)
} elsif ($action eq "doadd") {
if ($FORM{"content"} eq "") {
$vars{TITLE} = "An Error Occured";
$vars{ERROR_MESSAGE} = "No text entered";
$main_content = wrap_template("html/content-error.html",%vars);
} else {
# add the kwote
my $dbh = get_db_connection();
my $kid = add_kwote($dbh, $FORM{"content"}, $ENV{"REMOTE_ADDR"});
# wtf? errors? in my code? noooo.
if (!defined($kid)) {
$vars{TITLE} = "An Error Occured";
$vars{ERROR_MESSAGE} = "Couldn't add kwote";
$main_content = wrap_template("html/content-error.html",%vars);
# all was good
} else {
$vars{TITLE} = "Kwote Added";
$vars{KWOTE_ID} = $kid;
$main_content = wrap_template("html/content-addform-thanks.html", %vars);
# action: show
} elsif ($action eq "show") {
# get the kwote
my $dbh = get_db_connection();
my $kwote = get_kwote($dbh, $FORM{"id"});
# wtf? errors? in my code? noooo.
if (!defined($kwote)) {
$vars{TITLE} = "Kwote Does Not Exist";
$vars{ERROR_MESSAGE} = "That kwote does not exist";
$main_content = wrap_template("html/content-error.html",%vars);
# all was good
} else {
$vars{TITLE} = "Kwote \#$kwote->{'id'}";
$vars{KWOTE_ID} = $kwote->{'id'};
$vars{KWOTE_TEXT} = html_escape($kwote->{'content'});
$vars{KWOTE_RATING} = $kwote->{'rating'};
$main_content = wrap_template("html/content-show-kwote.html", %vars);
# action: latest
} elsif ($action eq "list") {
# what are we sorting on
my $sort = undef;
if ($FORM{"o"} eq "date") {
$sort = "submit_dt";
} elsif ($FORM{"o"} eq "rating") {
$sort = "rating";
} elsif ($FORM{"o"} eq "random") {
$sort = "RAND()";
# get start index
my $start_index = (defined($FORM{"s"})) ? $FORM{"s"} : 0;
# get max amount
my $max_returned = (defined($FORM{"m"})) ? $FORM{"m"} : 20;
# what is the "max records" we'll consider?
my $max_records = (defined($FORM{"mr"})) ? $FORM{"mr"} : 9999999999;
# what is the "sort order"
my $sort_order = ($FORM{"so"} eq "reverse") ? "ASC" : "DESC";
# search string?
my $search_string = $FORM{"ss"};
# rating requirements?
my $max_rating = $FORM{"maxr"};
my $min_rating = $FORM{"minr"};
# get the kwote
my $dbh = get_db_connection();
my @rows = list_kwotes(
# setup these vars
$vars{TITLE} = "Kwotes";
$vars{ORDER} = $FORM{"o"};
$vars{NEXT_INDEX} = $start_index+$max_returned;
$vars{MAX_RETURN} = $max_returned;
$vars{LAST_INDEX} = $start_index-$max_returned;
$vars{MAX_RECORDS} = $max_records;
$vars{SEARCH_STRING} = $search_string;
# get the navigation template
my $navigation_template = undef;
# forward, no back
if ($FORM{"o"} ne "random" && $start_index<=0 && @rows>=$max_returned
&& ($start_index+$max_returned)<$max_records) {
$navigation_template = "html/content-list-navigate-no-back.html";
# forward and back
} elsif ($FORM{"o"} ne "random" && $start_index>0 && @rows>=$max_returned
&& ($start_index+$max_returned)<$max_records ) {
$navigation_template = "html/content-list-navigate.html";
# back only
} elsif ($FORM{"o"} ne "random" && $start_index>0 && @rows<$max_returned) {
$navigation_template = "html/content-list-navigate-no-forward.html";
# wrap the navigation template
$main_content .= wrap_template($navigation_template, %vars);
# loop through the results
if (defined(@rows)) {
for (my $i=0; $i<@rows && ($i+$start_index)<$max_records; $i++) {
my $row = $rows[$i];
$vars{KWOTE_ID} = $row->{'id'};
$vars{KWOTE_TEXT} = html_escape($row->{'content'});
$vars{KWOTE_RATING} = $row->{'rating'};
$main_content .= wrap_template("html/content-show-kwote.html", %vars);
# wrap the navigation template
$main_content .= wrap_template($navigation_template, %vars);
# action: search (show the search page)
} elsif ($action eq "search") {
$vars{TITLE} = "Search";
$main_content = wrap_template("html/content-search.html", %vars);
# action: love
} elsif ($action eq "love") {
vote($ENV{"REMOTE_ADDR"}, $FORM{"kid"}, "1");
$vars{TITLE} = "Love";
$main_content = "Vote Counted";
# action: hate
} elsif ($action eq "hate") {
vote($ENV{"REMOTE_ADDR"}, $FORM{"kid"}, "-1");
$vars{TITLE} = "Hate";
$main_content = "Vote Counted";
# show the homepage
} else {
$vars{TITLE} = "The Better kwote Database";
$main_content = wrap_template("html/content-default.html", %vars);
# finish the HTML
render_template("html/header.html", %vars);
print STDOUT $main_content;
render_template("html/footer.html", %vars);