added GD::SecurityImage
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
package GD::SecurityImage::GD;
use strict;
use vars qw[$VERSION $methTTF];
use constant LOW_LEFT_X => 0; # Lower left corner x
use constant LOW_LEFT_Y => 1; # Lower left corner y
use constant LOW_RIGHT_X => 2; # Lower right corner x
use constant LOW_RIGHT_Y => 3; # Lower right corner y
use constant UP_RIGHT_X => 4; # Upper right corner x
use constant UP_RIGHT_Y => 5; # Upper right corner y
use constant UP_LEFT_X => 6; # Upper left corner x
use constant UP_LEFT_Y => 7; # Upper left corner y
use constant CH_X => 0; # character-X
use constant CH_Y => 1; # character-Y
use constant CHAR => 2; # character
use constant ANGLE => 3; # character angle
use constant MAX_COMPRESS => 9;
use GD;
$VERSION = '1.49';
$methTTF = $GD::VERSION >= 1.31 ? 'stringFT' : 'stringTTF'; # define the tff drawing method.
sub init {
# Create the image object
my $self = shift;
$self->{image} = GD::Image->new($self->{width}, $self->{height});
$self->cconvert($self->{bgcolor}); # set background color
$self->setThickness($self->{thickness}) if $self->{thickness};
if($GD::VERSION < 2.07) {
$self->{DISABLED}{$_} = 1 foreach qw[ellipse setThickness _png_compression];
sub out {
# return $image_data, $image_mime_type, $random_number
my $self = shift;
my %opt = scalar @_ % 2 ? () : (@_);
my $type;
if($opt{force} and $self->{image}->can($opt{force})){
$type = $opt{force};
} else {
# define the output format. png is first due to various problems with gif() format
foreach (qw( png gif jpeg )) {
if($self->{image}->can($_)) {
$type = $_;
my @args = ();
if ($opt{'compress'}) {
push @args, MAX_COMPRESS if $type eq 'png' and not $self->{DISABLED}{_png_compression};
push @args, $opt{'compress'} if $type eq 'jpeg';
return $self->{image}->$type(@args), $type, $self->{_RANDOM_NUMBER_};
sub gdbox_empty {shift->{GDBOX_EMPTY}}
sub gdfx {
# Sets the font for simple GD usage.
# Unfortunately, Image::Magick does not have a similar interface.
my $self = shift;
my $font = shift || return;
$font = lc $font;
# GD' s standard fonts
my %f = map { lc $_ => $_ } qw[ Small Large MediumBold Tiny Giant ];
if (exists $f{$font}) {
$font = $f{$font};
return GD::Font->$font();
sub insert_text {
# Draw text using GD
my $self = shift;
my $method = shift;
my $key = $self->{_RANDOM_NUMBER_}; # random string
if ($method eq 'ttf') {
require Math::Trig;
# don' t draw. we just need info...
my $info = sub {
my $txt = shift;
my $ang = shift || 0;
$ang = Math::Trig::deg2rad($ang) if $ang;
my @box = GD::Image->$methTTF($self->{_COLOR_}{text},$self->{font},$self->{ptsize},$ang,0,0,$txt);
unless (@box) { # use fake values instead of die-ing
$self->{GDBOX_EMPTY} = 1; # set this for error checking.
$#box = 7;
# lets initialize to silence the warnings
$box[$_] = 1 for 0..$#box;
return @box;
if ($self->{scramble}) {
my @char;
my $anglex;
my $total = 0;
my $space = [$self->ttf_info(0, 'A'),0,' '];
my @randomy;
my $sy = $space->[CH_Y] || 1;
push(@randomy, $_, - $_) foreach $sy*1.2,$sy, $sy/2, $sy/4, $sy/8;
foreach (split //, $key) { # get char parameters
$anglex = $self->random_angle;
$total += $space->[CH_X];
push @char, [$self->ttf_info($anglex, $_), $anglex, $_], $space, $space, $space;
$total *= 2;
my @config = ($self->{_COLOR_}{text}, $self->{font}, $self->{ptsize});
foreach my $box (reverse @char) {
$x = $self->{width} / 2 + ($box->[CH_X] - $total);
$y = $self->{height} / 2 + $box->[CH_Y];
$y += $randomy[int rand @randomy];
$self->{image}->$methTTF(@config, Math::Trig::deg2rad($box->[CHAR]), $x, $y, $box->[ANGLE]);
$total -= $space->[CH_X];
} else {
my $tl = $self->{_TEXT_LOCATION_};
if ($tl->{_place_}) {
# put the text to one of the four corners in the image
my $white = $self->cconvert([255,255,255]);
my $black = $self->cconvert($self->{_COLOR_}{text});
if ($tl->{gd}) { # draw with standard gd fonts
$self->place_gd($key, $tl->{x}, $tl->{y});
return; # by-pass ttf method call...
} else {
@box = $info->($key);
$x = $tl->{x} eq 'left'? 0 : ($self->{width} - ($box[LOW_RIGHT_X] - $box[LOW_LEFT_X]));
$y = $tl->{y} eq 'up' ? ($box[LOW_LEFT_Y] - $box[UP_LEFT_Y]) : $self->{height}-2;
if ($tl->{strip}) {
$self->add_strip($x, $y, $box[LOW_RIGHT_X] - $box[LOW_LEFT_X], $box[LOW_LEFT_Y] - $box[UP_LEFT_Y]);
} else {
@box = $info->($key);
$x = ($self->{width} - ($box[LOW_RIGHT_X] - $box[LOW_LEFT_X])) / 2;
$y = ($self->{height} - ($box[UP_LEFT_Y] - $box[LOW_LEFT_Y])) / 2;
# this needs a fix. adjust x,y
if ($self->{angle}) {
require Math::Trig;
$self->{angle} = Math::Trig::deg2rad($self->{angle});
} else {
$self->{angle} = 0;
$self->{image}->$methTTF($self->{_COLOR_}{text}, $self->{font}, $self->{ptsize}, $self->{angle}, $x, $y, $key);
} else {
if ($self->{scramble}) {
# without ttf, we can only have 0 and 90 degrees.
my @char;
my @styles = qw(string stringUp);
my $style = $styles[int rand @styles];
foreach (split //, $key) { # get char parameters
push @char, [$_, $style], [' ','string'];
$style = $style eq 'string' ? 'stringUp' : 'string';
my $sw = $self->{gd_font}->width;
my $sh = $self->{gd_font}->height;
my($x, $y, $m);
my $total = $sw * @char;
foreach my $c (@char) {
$m = $c->[1];
$x = ($self->{width} - $total) / 2;
$y = $self->{height}/2 + ($m eq 'string' ? -$sh : $sh/2) / 2;
$total -= $sw * 2;
$self->{image}->$m($self->{gd_font}, $x, $y, $c->[0], $self->{_COLOR_}{text});
} else {
my $sw = $self->{gd_font}->width * length($key);
my $sh = $self->{gd_font}->height;
my $x = ($self->{width} - $sw) / 2;
my $y = ($self->{height} - $sh) / 2;
$self->{image}->string($self->{gd_font}, $x, $y, $key, $self->{_COLOR_}{text});
sub place_gd {
my $self = shift;
my($key, $tX, $tY) = @_;
my $tl = $self->{_TEXT_LOCATION_};
my $black = $self->cconvert($self->{_COLOR_}{text});
my $white = $self->cconvert($tl->{scolor});
my $font = GD::Font->Tiny;
my $fx = (length($key)+1)*$font->width;
my $x1 = $self->{width} - $fx;
my $y1 = $tY eq 'up' ? 0 : $self->{height} - $font->height;
if ($tY eq 'up') {
if($tX eq 'left') {
$self->filledRectangle(0, $y1 , $fx , $font->height+2, $black);
$self->filledRectangle(1, $y1+1, $fx-1, $font->height+1, $white);
} else {
$self->filledRectangle($x1-$font->width - 1, $y1 , $self->{width} , $font->height+2, $black);
$self->filledRectangle($x1-$font->width , $y1+1, $self->{width}-2, $font->height+1, $white);
} else {
if($tX eq 'left') {
$self->filledRectangle(0, $y1-2, $fx , $self->{height} , $black);
$self->filledRectangle(1 , $y1-1, $fx-1, $self->{height}-2, $white);
} else {
$self->filledRectangle($x1-$font->width - 1, $y1-2, $self->{width} , $self->{height} , $black);
$self->filledRectangle($x1-$font->width , $y1-1, $self->{width}-2, $self->{height}-2, $white);
$self->{image}->string($font, $tX eq 'left' ? 2 : $x1, $tY eq 'up' ? $y1+1 : $y1-1, $key, $self->{_COLOR_}{text});
sub ttf_info {
my $self = shift;
my $angle = shift || 0;
my $text = shift;
my $x = 0;
my $y = 0;
my @box = GD::Image->$methTTF($self->{_COLOR_}{text},$self->{font}, $self->{ptsize},Math::Trig::deg2rad($angle),0,0,$text);
unless (@box) { # use fake values instead of die-ing
$self->{GDBOX_EMPTY} = 1; # set this for error checking.
$#box = 7;
# lets initialize to silence the warnings
$box[$_] = 1 for 0..$#box;
my $bx = $box[LOW_LEFT_X] - $box[LOW_RIGHT_X];
my $by = $box[LOW_LEFT_Y] - $box[LOW_RIGHT_Y];
if($angle == 0 or $angle == 180 or $angle == 360) {
$by = $box[ UP_LEFT_Y ] - $box[LOW_LEFT_Y ];
} elsif ($angle == 90 or $angle == 270) {
$bx = $box[ UP_LEFT_X ] - $box[LOW_LEFT_X ];
} elsif($angle > 270 and $angle < 360) {
$bx = $box[ LOW_LEFT_X ] - $box[ UP_LEFT_X ];
} elsif ($angle > 180 and $angle < 270) {
$by = $box[ LOW_LEFT_Y ] - $box[LOW_RIGHT_Y];
$bx = $box[ LOW_RIGHT_X] - $box[ UP_RIGHT_X];
} elsif($angle > 90 and $angle < 180) {
$bx = $box[ LOW_RIGHT_X] - $box[ LOW_LEFT_X];
$by = $box[ LOW_RIGHT_Y] - $box[ UP_RIGHT_Y];
} elsif ($angle > 0 and $angle < 90) {
$by = $box[ UP_LEFT_Y ] - $box[ LOW_LEFT_Y];
} else {}
if ($angle == 0 ) { $x += $bx/2; $y -= $by/2; }
elsif ($angle > 0 and $angle < 90 ) { $x += $bx/2; $y -= $by/2; }
elsif ($angle == 90 ) { $x -= $bx/2; $y += $by/2; }
elsif ($angle > 90 and $angle < 180) { $x -= $bx/2; $y += $by/2; }
elsif ($angle == 180 ) { $x += $bx/2; $y -= $by/2; }
elsif ($angle > 180 and $angle < 270) { $x += $bx/2; $y += $by/2; }
elsif ($angle == 270 ) { $x -= $bx/2; $y += $by/2; }
elsif ($angle > 270 and $angle < 360) { $x += $bx/2; $y += $by/2; }
elsif ($angle == 360 ) { $x += $bx/2; $y -= $by/2; }
return $x, $y;
sub setPixel {shift->{image}->setPixel(@_) }
sub line {shift->{image}->line(@_) }
sub rectangle {shift->{image}->rectangle(@_) }
sub filledRectangle {shift->{image}->filledRectangle(@_)}
sub ellipse {shift->{image}->ellipse(@_) }
sub arc {shift->{image}->arc(@_) }
sub setThickness {
my $self = shift;
if($self->{image}->can('setThickness')) { # $GD::VERSION >= 2.07
=head1 NAME
GD::SecurityImage::GD - GD backend for GD::SecurityImage.
See L<GD::SecurityImage>.
Used internally by L<GD::SecurityImage>. Nothing public here.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Burak Gürsoy, E<lt>burakE<64>cpan.orgE<gt>
Copyright 2004-2006 Burak Gürsoy. All rights reserved.
=head1 LICENSE
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.7 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
package GD::SecurityImage::Magick;
# GD method emulation class for Image::Magick
use strict;
use vars qw[$VERSION];
use constant X_PPEM => 0; # character width
use constant Y_PPEM => 1; # character height
use constant ASCENDER => 2; # ascender
use constant DESCENDER => 3; # descender
use constant WIDTH => 4; # text width
use constant HEIGHT => 5; # text height
use constant MAX_ADVANCE => 6; # maximum horizontal advance
use constant ANGLE => -2;
use constant CHAR => -1;
use constant MAX_COMPRESS => 100;
use Image::Magick;
$VERSION = '1.36';
sub init {
# Create the image object
my $self = shift;
my $bg = $self->cconvert($self->{bgcolor});
$self->{image} = Image::Magick->new;
$self->{image}->Set(size=> "$self->{width}x$self->{height}");
$self->{image}->Read('null:' . $bg);
$self->{image}->Set(background => $bg);
$self->{MAGICK} = {strokewidth => 0.6};
$self->setThickness($self->{thickness}) if $self->{thickness};
sub out {
my $self = shift;
my %opt = scalar @_ % 2 ? () : (@_);
my $type = 'gif'; # default format
if ($opt{force}) {
my %g = map {$_, 1} $self->{image}->QueryFormat;
$type = $opt{force} if exists $g{$opt{force}};
$self->{image}->Set(magick => $type);
if ($opt{'compress'} and $type =~ m[^(png|jpeg)$]) {
if($type eq 'png') {
$opt{'compress'} = MAX_COMPRESS;
$self->{image}->Set(compression => 'Zip');
$self->{image}->Set(quality => $opt{'compress'});
return $self->{image}->ImageToBlob, $type, $self->{_RANDOM_NUMBER_};
sub insert_text {
# Draw text using Image::Magick
my $self = shift;
my $method = shift; # not needed with Image::Magick (always use ttf)
my $key = $self->{_RANDOM_NUMBER_}; # random string
my $info = sub {$self->{image}->QueryFontMetrics(font => $self->{font}, text => shift, pointsize => $self->{ptsize})};
my %same = (font => $self->{font},
encoding => 'UTF-8',
pointsize => $self->{ptsize},
fill => $self->cconvert($self->{_COLOR_}{text}),
if ($self->{scramble}) {
my $space = [$info->(' '), 0, ' ']; # get " " parameters
my @randomy;
my $sy = $space->[ASCENDER] || 1;
push(@randomy, $_, - $_) foreach $sy/2, $sy/4, $sy/8;
my @char;
foreach (split //, $key) {
push @char, [$info->($_), $self->random_angle, $_], $space, $space, $space;
my $total = 0;
$total += $_->[WIDTH] foreach @char;
foreach my $magick (@char) {
$total -= $magick->[WIDTH] * 2;
$self->{image}->Annotate(text => $magick->[CHAR],
x => ($self->{width} - $total - $magick->[WIDTH] ) / 2,
y => (($self->{height} + $magick->[ASCENDER]) / 2) + $randomy[int rand @randomy],
rotate => $magick->[ANGLE],
} else {
my @metric = $info->($key);
my($x, $y);
my $tl = $self->{_TEXT_LOCATION_};
if ($tl->{_place_}) {
# put the text to one of the four corners in the image
$x = $tl->{x} eq 'left' ? 2 : $self->{width}-$metric[WIDTH]-2;
$y = $tl->{y} eq 'up' ? $metric[ASCENDER]+1 : $self->{height}-2;
$self->add_strip($x, $y, $metric[WIDTH], $metric[ASCENDER]) if $tl->{strip};
} else {
$x = ($self->{width} - $metric[WIDTH] ) / 2;
$y = ($self->{height} + $metric[ASCENDER]) / 2;
text => $key,
x => $x,
y => $y,
rotate => $self->{angle} ? 360 - $self->{angle} : 0,
sub setPixel {
my $self = shift;
my($x, $y, $color) = @_;
$self->{image}->Set("pixel[$x,$y]" => $self->cconvert($color) );
sub line {
my $self = shift;
my($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color) = @_;
primitive => "line",
points => "$x1,$y1 $x2,$y2",
stroke => $self->cconvert($color),
strokewidth => $self->{MAGICK}{strokewidth},
sub rectangle {
my $self = shift;
my($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$color) = @_;
primitive => "rectangle",
points => "$x1,$y1 $x2,$y2",
stroke => $self->cconvert($color),
strokewidth => $self->{MAGICK}{strokewidth},
sub filledRectangle {
my $self = shift;
my($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$color) = @_;
primitive => "rectangle",
points => "$x1,$y1 $x2,$y2",
fill => $self->cconvert($color),
stroke => $self->cconvert($color),
strokewidth => 0,
sub ellipse {
my $self = shift;
my($cx,$cy,$width,$height,$color) = @_;
primitive => "ellipse",
points => "$cx,$cy $width,$height 0,360",
stroke => $self->cconvert($color),
strokewidth => $self->{MAGICK}{strokewidth},
sub arc {
my $self = shift;
my($cx,$cy,$width,$height,$start,$end,$color) = @_;
primitive => "ellipse", # I couldn't do that with "arc" primitive. patches are welcome, but this seems to work :)
points => "$cx,$cy $width,$height $start,$end",
stroke => $self->cconvert($color),
strokewidth => $self->{MAGICK}{strokewidth},
sub setThickness {
my $self = shift;
my $thickness = shift;
$self->{MAGICK}{strokewidth} = $thickness * $self->{MAGICK}{strokewidth} if $thickness;
=head1 NAME
GD::SecurityImage::Magick - Image::Magick backend for GD::SecurityImage.
See L<GD::SecurityImage>.
Includes GD method emulations for Image::Magick.
Used internally by L<GD::SecurityImage>. Nothing public here.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Burak Gürsoy, E<lt>burakE<64>cpan.orgE<gt>
Copyright 2004-2006 Burak Gürsoy. All rights reserved.
=head1 LICENSE
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.7 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
package GD::SecurityImage::Styles;
use strict;
use vars qw[$VERSION];
$VERSION = "1.12";
sub style_default {
my $self = shift;
my $fx = $self->{width} / $self->{lines};
my $fy = $self->{height} / $self->{lines};
for my $i (0..$self->{lines}) {
$self->line($i * $fx, 0, $i * $fx , $self->{height}, $self->{_COLOR_}{lines}); # | line
$self->line($i * $fx, 0, ($i * $fx)+$fx, $self->{height}, $self->{_COLOR_}{lines}); # \ line
for my $i (1..$self->{lines}) {
$self->line(0, $i * $fy, $self->{width}, $i * $fy, $self->{_COLOR_}{lines}); # - line
sub style_rect {
my $self = shift;
my $fx = $self->{width} / $self->{lines};
my $fy = $self->{height} / $self->{lines};
for my $i (0..$self->{lines}) {
$self->line($i * $fx, 0, $i * $fx , $self->{height}, $self->{_COLOR_}{lines}); # | line
for my $i (1..$self->{lines}) {
$self->line(0, $i * $fy, $self->{width}, $i * $fy, $self->{_COLOR_}{lines}); # - line
sub style_box {
my $self = shift;
my $w = $self->{lines};
$self->filledRectangle(0 , 0 , $self->{width} , $self->{height} , $self->{_COLOR_}{text});
$self->filledRectangle($w, $w, $self->{width} - $w - 1, $self->{height} - $w - 1, $self->{_COLOR_}{lines} );
sub style_circle {
my $self = shift;
my $cx = $self->{width} / 2;
my $cy = $self->{height} / 2;
my $max = int $self->{width} / $self->{lines};
sub style_ellipse {
my $self = shift;
return $self->style_default if $self->{DISABLED}{ellipse}; # GD < 2.07
my $cx = $self->{width} / 2;
my $cy = $self->{height} / 2;
my $max = int $self->{width} / $self->{lines};
sub style_ec {
my $self = shift;
$self->style_ellipse(@_) unless $self->{DISABLED}{ellipse}; # GD < 2.07
=head1 NAME
GD::SecurityImage::Styles - Drawing styles for GD::SecurityImage.
See L<GD::SecurityImage>.
This module contains the styles used in the security image.
Used internally by L<GD::SecurityImage>. Nothing public here.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Burak Gürsoy, E<lt>burakE<64>cpan.orgE<gt>
Copyright 2004-2006 Burak Gürsoy. All rights reserved.
=head1 LICENSE
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.7 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user