
2.0 KiB


Kwotes Sourceode, migrated from, which is dead nowadays.

Install Instructions

These are the original install instructions:

What you need

  • CGI/Perl enabled web server
  • Mysql
  • DBI
  • DBD::Mysql

Installing DBI and DBD::MySql

At a console:

perl -MCPAN -eshell

In the CPAN console:

cpan> install Bundle::DBI
cpan> install DBD::mysql

Extracting the tarball

tar -zxvf kwotes.tar.gz

Setting up the Database

Add the required kwotes tables to the database (in the directory where you extracted kwotes):

mysql -u database_user -D database_name -h database_host_name -p < kwotes.sql

Configuring Kwotes

Open in your favorite text editor and modify as needed. The only values that you MUST change are in the database section. They are:

$DB_TYPE - the database type (Must be mysql for now) $DB_NAME - the name of the database on the database server $DB_HOST - the hostname or ip address of the database server $DB_USER - the username for connecting to the database $DB_PASS - the password for connecting to the database

Other options that are cool for tweaking the functionality of kwotes can be found in the "GENERAL STUFF" section of the configuration file.

Setting Permissions

Setting everything to 755 (rwxr-xr-x) doesn't hurt:

cd kwotes-directory;
chmod -R 755 *

You can come up with something more restrictive if you like.

Cron Job

To facilite deleting "bad" quotes, kwotes uses cron. To enable this setup a cron job to run once an hour, like so:

crontab -e

Add the following entry:

0 * * * * /path/to/perl /path/to/ cleanup

Of course you should put the real path to your perl program and to otherwise it wont work.


Kwotes can be easily customized by editing the files in the "html" directory directly beneeth the kwotes directory. You can change the "site name" and tagline (text that apears at the top of every page) by editing